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Its Time to Embrace Aging

on July 5, 2013

When did you notice your appearance began to look older? As astonishing as this may seem, a survey of 4,000 women revealed they were worried about looking older at the age of 28. Perhaps it’s not so astonishing given our youth oriented culture and all of the companies which promise the fountain of youth in a pill or jar.

Even so, there comes a time when the mirror reveals unwanted spots, wrinkles, sagging skin, graying and thinning hair.

Aging is inevitable, yet it is something most of us try to resist. We become serious about using sunscreen, buying miracle creams and hair color. Still, time marches on and there is only so much you can do.

The lucky ones reach a turning point and decide that is it OK to look older. Wrinkles become character lines. Gray hair looks distinguished. Age becomes something to brag about: “I’m 75 years young and going strong!”

How do you get to the point where you stop worrying about what you see in the mirror, to embracing the notion that being good is better than looking good?

It starts first with letting go of appreciation for the superficial. This is good for any age. There is always going to be someone who looks younger, fitter, faster, stronger. Sooner or later, focusing on superficial qualities will lead to disappointment.

Second, it helps to change your perception of aging. Let go of “fighting every step of the way” as a skin care commercial suggests. Aging is not something to be battled. It is something to be embraced. Aging is evidence of a long list of memories, of purposeful work, of love, and making a difference in the lives of those around you. Age can bring wisdom drawn from a variety of experiences.

Third, understand that attractiveness is not dependent on meeting cultural standards of beauty. People are attracted to those who are confident and comfortable in their own skin, no matter if it is firm or wrinkled. People want to be around someone who shows confidence and poise.

Happiness and enthusiasm are also attractive. Seek out the things that make you happy and spread your joy when you find them. Look for others who share these traits and it will be easier to keep the good vibes going.

Beauty truly comes from within, especially as we age. But keep in mind that you can help it along by taking care of yourself. This includes getting plenty of sleep, managing your food and alcohol intake at a healthy level, exercising on a regular basis, and following your doctor’s orders for medications.

A little vanity is OK too. It helps to be confident in your appearance when you practice good grooming and wear clean clothes that fit. Don’t worry about the latest fashion trends. Fashion comes and goes, but the classic look sticks around. Most would agree that dressing like a teenager looks pathetic on adults, young or old.

Finally, try to smile more often. It’s the ultimate facelift.

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